Should I Continue My Sigma Theta Tau Membership
Membership Criteria
Undergraduate Students Must:
Have completed half of the nursing curriculum.
Achieve academic excellence.
For universities/institutions of higher education that use a 4.0 grade point average system to measure academic achievement, baccalaureate students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. GPAs should be computed according to the policies of the university.
Meet the expectation of academic integrity.
*An invitation to join will be sent to you if you meet the following criteria.*
Registered Nurse Students (RN to BSN) Must:
Have completed 12 credit hours at their current school.
Have completed half of the nursing curriculum.
Achieve academic excellence
For universities/institutions of higher education that use a 4.0 grade point average system to measure academic achievement, baccalaureate students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. GPAs should be computed according to the policies of the university.
Meet the expectation of academic integrity.
Graduate Students (Master's and Doctorate) Must*:
Have completed 1/4 of the nursing curriculum.
Achieve academic excellence.
For universities/institutions of higher education that use a 4.0 grade point average system to measure academic achievement, graduate students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. GPAs should be computed according to the policies of the university.
Meet the expectation of academic integrity.
*Students in graduate programs who are registered nurses, legally recognized to practice in their country and have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field, shall be eligible to be considered as a Nurse Leader at any point in the program.*
Nurse Leader Candidates Must:
Provide a complete Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Be legally recognized to practice nursing in their country.
Have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field.
Demonstrate achievement in nursing.
If you have any questions about how to join STTI, please contact Dr. Kelly Allred at or visit the STTI website.

Sigma Theta Tau International Membership Benefits
Career Assistance
Participate in STTI or other organizational activities to develop leadership strengths, network, and to develop your personal brand.
*Career Opportunities
STTI members can search thousand of nursing positions by keyword, location, or type on our members-only Job Board. It's easy – create your online account, upload your resume, and get personal job alerts! You can also search for open positions at our STTI headquarters located in Indianapolis, Ind., USA.
*Career Central on The Circle
Login to The Circle and subscribe to Career Central, where over 50 STTI Career Advisors are available to offer personalized career consultations.
*Leadership Programs
Enroll in one of our leadership programs to develop and advance your leadership skills in the areas of gerontology, maternal-child health, nurse faculty, and administration leadership.
Get Connected and Stay Involved
*Events - Participate in international events by submitting an abstract, presenting, or serving as a volunteer. Contact your chapter for local event information.
*Find a Local Chapter - Connect with peers at local chapter events by visiting the chapter directory, or sign in to The Circle and click on "Groups" and then "My Groups" to visit your Regional Officer Connect group to see what events other chapters are planning.
*Transfers and Additional Chapters - Transfer your membership to a new chapter, or keep in touch with old friends while making new ones with membership in multiple STTI chapters.
*Social and Professional Networking - Join STTI's global network of nurses online! Log in to The Circle , Facebook, LinkedIn, and more!
Continuing Nurse Education
Earn continuing nursing education (CNE) credit through online professional development opportunities.
Take advantage of more than 25 professional development courses and speeches from past International Nursing Research Congresses.
Improve your clinical and nurse manager skill sets. (STTI member discounts apply.)
Sigma Theta Tau International is accredited as a provider of continuing education courses for nurses (CNE) by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Member Publications
*Reflections on Nursing Leadership (RNL) - Provides online and in-depth coverage of how STTI members and nurses are shaping world health. Content changes daily! Subscribe to their RSS feed.
*STTIconnect - Learn how to make the most of your membership with content specific to your needs and interests.
*Always a Nurse - Stay connected to the profession and STTI as you approach and transition into retirement.
*Journal of Nursing Scholarship - Utilize your free members-only subscription to advance your knowledge with nursing research.
*Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing - STTI members have free access to this journal that will keep them current on evidence-based nursing.
Products, Services, and Discounts
*Sigma Theta Tau International BankAmericard Cash RewardsTM Credit Card
Using your Sigma Theta Tau International credit card from Bank of America lets you earn cash back for all of your purchases while helping you contribute to nursing research at no additional cost to you. For information about rates, fees, other costs, and benefits associated with the use of this card; or to apply, click on the link above or call 1(800)932-2775. Thousands of members carry the card!
*Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository
A free STTI resource that provides nurses and nursing students a place to self-archive and disseminate research and evidence-based practice materials. Submissions to any collection under the Independent Submissions community undergo peer-review prior to acceptance.
*Nursing Knowledge International
Purchase STTI products and nursing resources. (Member discounts may apply.) Become a registered user and select clinical specialty newsletters relevant to your career.
Professional liability insurance
*Mercer Consumerimportant protection for nurses working in the clinical setting. STTI has partnered with Mercer Consumer, a service of Mercer Health & Benefits Administration LLC — a decades-long trusted provider — to offer members affordable coverage. STTI members can qualify in any of four ways for a 10 percent premium credit on coverage including paying legal fees, reimbursing loss of earnings and more. Visit STTI Professional Liability Insurance today to learn how to get the protection you need at the special discounted
*Wiley Publishing
The co-publisher of the Journal of Nursing Scholarship and Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing offers members 35 percent off all products they publish! Visit the Wiley website and use the STTI members-only promotion code at checkout: SDP20.
Also available from Wiley- Free for STTI members - CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. This journal at the forefront of cancer information provides the evidence needed to promote healing and keep patients healthy. Access the journal.
Recieve Recognition
Recognize those who have contributed to nursing and receive recognition for your achievements.
Acknowledge the achievements and activities of members with international and chapter awards.
STTI and collaborating nursing organizations present research grant opportunities to nurses around the globe to provide leadership and scholarship in practice, education, and research.
Honor individuals not eligible for regular membership with aFriend of Nursing Award orhonorary membership.
Send us an email about recent achievements, which may be included in upcoming publications.
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